Available Functions
Team Building & Corporate Events
Team Building at Pinot & Picasso.
Hens Night & Bridal Showers
Mobile & Pop Up Events
A mobile pop-up private paint and sip event by Pinot & Picasso
Kids Birthday Parties
Paint station read for a Pinot & Picasso Kids Birthday Party
Private Events
black tables with artist stools below, canvases, easels and paint brushes on top at a Pinot and Picasso Studio
Baby Showers
Christmas Party Packages
Christmas Function Thumbnail

Grazing Board for 2

Ready to order a grazing box? Yay! Just a heads up: each studio has its own catering company, so sizes and delicious contents may vary based on local produce. If you can’t find a studio option in the dropdown, it’s a no-go for that session or studio. Sad, I know!

But fear not, my grazing buddy! Our studios are BYO, so whether you’re making your own or ordering in Uber eats, our studio is yours to create your very own experience. Still have a question? Email your local studio and they will be happy to help!

$55.00 incl. GST

Select a session
SKU: grazing-board-for-2 Categories: ,

Related Add Ons

two artworks that have textured art and frames around them hung up in your home

Canvas Frame

$27.00 incl. GST