Floral Bouquet


Hutt Valley Studio

384 Jackson Street, Hutt Valley WE 5012
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You’re at the florist, picking out your favourite bunch of flowers. Which bouquet do you choose? The big bright and colourful one? The plain and neutral tones? The harmonious colours? We invite you to bring this to life on canvas in our Pinot & Picasso studio! An artwork full of beauty, the perfect gift or decor for your home. Great for those that enjoy painting in detail. This is an 18+ event only For bookings of 8 or more add the code “GROUPBOOKINGS” to receive a 10% discount off your total! BYO Alcohol.  Pinot and Picasso provides glassware
What we offer
All sessions include guidance from one of our artists to assist you in releasing your inner Picasso. Canvas sizes are 16′ x 20′ for Standard Sessions, 12′ x 16′ for Kids Sessions and Textured Art includes a frame! The only thing you’ll need to bring is your favourite beverage, some nibbles and your imagination.
A blank canvas
Acrylic paints & brushes
Protective apron
Table easel
Glassware for your beverages
Add-ons available^

NOTE: If you are purchasing a ticket to an advertised catered event, please check the event information for more details of inclusions. ^ Please check the availability on the Add-on page.

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